Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

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Off Campus Education

Off Campus Education includes three work experience programs: Workplace Learning, Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), and Green Certificate.


Miss Liz Schweizer, Off Campus Education Coordinator


About Off Campus Education

Course goals, requirements and procedures are explained in the course outlines. Students need to discuss their situation and plans with the Off Campus Education Coordinator or designate. The Off Campus Education Coordinator must approve all jobs before a student can be enrolled in an Off Campus Education Program course.

Work Experience

Workplace Practicum

Students who are able to start an apprenticeship in one of Alberta's recognized trades can earn over forty credits towards their high school diploma. Participation in the program is coordinated by the Off Campus Education Coordinator.

The coordinator needs to approve all job sites before students can earn credits.

RAP Program

The Green Certificate Program is offered in cooperation with the Regional Green Certificate Coordinator at Olds College. Students can earn up to sixteen high school credits at the grade twelve level for learning and working on a farm. This program has nine specializations. Contact the Off Campus Education Coordinator to sign up.

Green Certificate

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.