School Council

GMHS School Council Executive 2023-2024

Chair: Kelli Ellingson 


RVS Trustee: Todd Brand


Vice Chair: Darcy McCurdy 


Secretary: Jen Patterson

Treasurer : Sherry Miller

If you would like to be added to the Council Distribution list to receive updates, meeting minutes or notices, please send us an email. Thoughts? Comments? Feedback? Have a suggestion for a guest speaker or presentation?

Email Your School Council 


Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 971 778 3605 

School Council Mission

To help each child realize their full potential to become responsible, involved, effective and productive citizens. The mission/Philosophy of the council is: To enhance student learning by supporting the school in carrying out its vision and mission and to act as an advisory group to both the school administration and school board. (While also encouraging and collaborative relationship between the School and parents)

Have you ever wondered what is happening at the School that your child attends? Well, School Council is where you can get your questions answered! It is wonderful opportunity to meet with other parents, Administration and School Trustees to find out what is happening in the education of your student(s). I encourage you to attend at least one meeting this school year.

School Council Vision

To foster a school culture celebrating the principles of lifelong learning, cultural diversity, and success through collaboration.

Hello GMHS Community Members,

I want to introduce myself to you. I am Kelli Ellingson, your appointed Chair of our GMHS School Council.

We look forward to welcoming all parents, guardians and community members to our school council meetings. Whether you have a returning student or your student is new to GMHS, all parents/guardians and community members can attend the school council meetings. Please know there is NO commitment to participate in a school council meeting, and you will not be pressured into anything at these meetings.

Attending our school council meetings is an excellent opportunity for parents/guardians to connect on topics of interest, and this is the best way to stay connected and educated about your child's education, our school, administrative staff, teachers and our amazing community. If you can't attend the meetings, all the school council meeting minutes and agenda are posted to the school website under the School Council Tab, along with all future meeting dates.

We are privileged to have our School Board Trustee, Todd Brand, at our school council meetings. Todd does an excellent job updating us on RVS and Alberta Education information. He will highlight the most current, updated and accurate information. He will also answer any pending questions or concerns you may have.If you have not had the privilege to meet our school principal, Scott Bloxham, he also attends all meetings. Scott will highlight all areas of importance, upcoming information for the school and our calendar events. Scott is always looking out for the best interests of everyone at GMHS and continues to support all areas involved.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.
**Please email me if you would like to be added to the school council distribution list to receive updates, agendas, meeting minutes or notices.**

Thank you again,
Kelli Ellingson,
GMHS School Council Chair

2024-2025 Meeting Dates:

October 9 @ 6:30pm
November 13 @ 6:30pm 
January 8 @ 6:30pm
February 12 @ 6:30pm
March 12 @ 6:30pm
April 9 @ 6:30pm
May 14 @ 6:30pm
June 11 @ 6:30pm

Meetings will be in-person and via Zoom. Link will be emailed out in our weekly school newsletter. In-person meetings will be held in our Learning Commons.

If you're new to the school or unsure where the Learning Commons is, please go through the front school doors, take a right, go all the way to the end of the hall, and turn right.  We would love for you to attend.

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Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.